Many of us dream about having a six-pack. In order to achieve perfect lower abs, follow these 10 simple exercises!
These lower abs exercises can be performed at home by using your own body weight. To up the intensity, you can also use free weight equipment like an ab roller, dumbbells, and kettlebells. Along with a proper diet, you will see the best results.
10 Effective Home Exercises to Get Perfect Lower Abs
1. Dead Bug
This lower ab exercise with a funny name isn’t as innocent as it looks. If done correctly, it can set your core on fire!
In works in different areas all at the same time, improving your balance and stability, increasing stamina, and tightening your belly. Interested?
Here are the steps you should take:
Grab your exercise mat. Lie on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling. Bend your knees bent at a 90-degree angle with your toes pointed toward the ceiling. From this position, slowly extend your right leg out straight, while lowering your left arm beside your head. Return to the initial position and repeat the same thing for your left leg and right arm. The key here is to keep your lower back pressed to the floor for the duration of the exercise. And don’t forget to keep your legs and arms a few inches above the ground.
2. Crab Toe Touches
While we’re on the topic of lower ab exercises with strange names, here’s another one! The crab toe touch is one of the best cardio moves to train your lower abs, glutes, and hamstrings.
It can also help you develop strength in your core, improve your stamina, and boost your metabolism.
To perform it, sit down with your knees bent and your feet together. Place your hands behind you. Then lift your hips off the floor, kicking your right foot back and touching it with your left hand. Return to the starting position and repeat the same process for your left leg and right arm.
3. Heel Taps
Doing heel taps at least three times a week can make your abs, glutes, and hip flexors extraordinarily strong. This exercise targets your lower body specifically. It’s pretty easy to do as well.
Just lie on your back with your arms by your side and lift your knees in 90-degree angles over your hips.
From here, lower your legs one at a time and touch the floor with your heels. Make sure that your knees keep their 90-degree angle, and don’t hurry. The slower you bring your heels down, the better you’ll work out your lower abs. Use your palms to keep your body stable during the exercise.
4. Roll-Ups
This is a pretty challenging lower abs exercise, so it’s better to do it gradually. If you’re a beginner, start with five to 10 roll-ups, then you can move on to 10 to 15, and so on. In any case, this exercise will work your abdominal muscles and strengthen your back muscles as a surprising bonus.
Lie on your back with your legs extended and your knees together. Put your arms straight over your head, breath in and lift them and forward slowly rolling up to a sitting position, freeze for a sec. Breathe out and return to the initial position.
5. V-Ups
Any exercise with raising your legs off the floor is exactly what you need if you want to get perfect lower abs. You can find that V-ups mainly challenge your rectus abdominis, but also works out your hip flexors and obliques.
Start by lying on the floor with your legs stretched out and your feet together. From here, lift arms and feet upward into, making a V shape with your body. Freeze in this position for about five seconds and slowly lower your legs and upper body to the floor again.
6. Reverse Ab Curls
Reverse curls can make a massive difference for your body. This exercise focuses mainly on your abdomen, making your lower muscles more durable and more permanent.
This exercise gives the best results if you perform it in three sets. Keep in mind that you should squeeze your abs for every curl. If you feel pain during this exercise, stop it right away and move on to the next one.
Start by lying on your back with your legs straight up over your hips. Cross your ankles. Using your core, lift your hips up off of the ground for about 2 seconds, then slowly lower them to the floor again.
7. Mountain Climber
If you don’t have time to climb real-life mountains, you can always fake it to make your body look even more like that of an actual mountain climber.
This is a compound exercise, meaning that it works out different muscle groups (glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and core) all at the same time.
Moreover, this lower abs exercise is perfect for building lower body strength, which is precisely what you need. The most important things are to keep your back flat and increase the pace slowly, using your legs to “climb” as you balance on your hands.
8. Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are one of the most popular lower abs exercises for any training session. This baby works out almost every bit of your body from your shoulders to your lower abs, and it not only makes them more durable but also tones them up.
To make sure that your lower abs are targeted and work the hardest, keep your feet off the ground the whole time, touching your elbow to the opposite knee.
9. Hip Bridges
Hip bridges work wonders for maintaining your core, stabilizing muscles, and these, of course, include your lower abs. They can also help relieve lower back pain, knee pain, and muscle imbalances.
Lie on your back with your knees bent, and your feet shoulder-width apart, lift your hips and pull your torso forward, creating a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Hold this pose for five seconds and lower your hips back to the floor.
10. Star Plank
To finish off your training session, do the best kind of plank for your lower abs, the star plank. All you have to do is get into a push-up position and move your arms and feet as far apart as you can to make a star shape.
Try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds to engage your abdominal muscles fully. If you want to change it up, you can also try a side plank.
These are some of the best workouts to get you your perfect lower abs in the comfort of your home. Be consistent about your training, and you’ll no doubt see your body transform.
Editor’s note:
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